17 May 2007


grasshopper 17may07grasshopperdetail
Yarn= STR Silky in colorway "Walking on the Wild Tide"
Pattern= variation on Knee High to a Grasshopper, the April Rocking Sock Club Pattern. The key change was knitting the back of the sock in 1x1 ribbing. It may not be as pretty as the mesh, but the socks are staying up after a couple of hours. All the yarn overs were done front to back, which made the p2tog a snap.
Knit on 2,5 Colonial Rosewood dps over 56 stitches.

I need something easy now to balance out the complicated pattern I created for Sockapalooza4



trixie stix said...

Super socks! You are way ahead of the game on a sock per week. YOu are my hero!

Heddy said...

very pretty colour! Nice!