Thought I should finally introduce myself. I'm Leslie, a totally addicted sockophile from the Bay Area, California. Heard about the 52 Pair Plunge on Lime & Violet and couldn't resist the urge to join. Hope I'll be able to complete all 52 pairs -- I've been knitting a pair every couple of weeks, so doing a pair a week will be a stretch.
So here's my first pair, Brigit, a pattern from Socktopia. They were a fun knit, just enough going on to keep them interesting. Yarn is Lisa Souza's Sock! in sage.

My second pair isn't really a pair. I'd already done the Monsoon Inside Out! socks from the Rockin' Sock Club and bequeathed them to a friend when I discovered that the leg wouldn't stretch enough to fit over my heel. I really liked the pattern so I decided to try it again but using larger needles for the leg. Thus the first sock of this new "pair." I used US#0 for the foot, US#1 for the heel, and US#2 for the leg. Still too tight. I'm not convinced I want to go up to a 3 -- or if that would even stretch enough. So the second sock of this pseudo pair has 2-1-2 cabling instead of a 5-1-5. I like the look of the 5-1-5 better, but it is nice that I can easily put on the 2-1-2. Someday, before I can really call this a pair, I'll need to frog and reknit the leg of the first sock. Maybe next week... Yarn is Zen String bambewe in Sequoia.

Next pair up is my first foray into mosaic patterns...

those mosaic socks are looking fabulous. I can't wait to see the finished product!
You've made and are making some pretty awsome socks! Sorry about the sizing issue. I've heard more people complain about it. The mosaic pattern is looking pretty awsome!
Ooo, pretty mosaic!! Do you go to Bobaknit on Thursdays in Mtn. View?
Those mosaics are really lovely. I still have my monsoon inside outs on the needles. I and using 2s and 1s. But I might just do a different pattern altogether. Gotta be able to pull the puppies on to wear 'em!
I wish I lived on the Peninsula, I would definitely check out Bobaknit. Nada in Antioch.
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